It's Time to Listen to the Wise Words of Lyndon LaRouche
The fact that the assassin in Argentina wore a tattoo at his elbow of the Azov Battalion insignia demonstrates the global significance of our battle to shut down the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation and other “blacklisting” operations, as well as their sponsors in NATO, the United States State Department, and British intelligence, the latter an extension of the City of London and its Wall Street appendage. This next ten-day period, beginning with the September 7 press conference convened by Executive Intelligence Review which has just released the investigative report “Ukraine’s ‘Information Terrorist’ Blacklist: ‘Global NATO’ Issues Hit Order Against Advocates of Peace,” followed by the September 8 all-day celebration of the centennial of the birth of Lyndon LaRouche, and the September 10/11 conference, will allow us to take a major step forward in the civilizational battle.
Join guest Harley Schlanger today at 2pm EDT, 11am PT to discuss!