Aug. 28—Global NATO’s operations in recent years, especially since the 1991 break-up of the Soviet Union, have been more and more blatant and lethal, towards attempting to establish world domination. In the arc of its tyranny, one marker date is December 2017, when the U.S. President issued to Congress (mandated by a 1986 law) a new National Security Strategy document which explicitly declared Russia and China to be the enemy. That became the new, compulsory “narrative.”
The 2017 document stated, “China and Russia challenge American power, influence and interests, attempting to erode American security and prosperity.” Russia “seeks to restore its great power status and establish spheres of influence near its borders.” China “seeks to displace the United States in the Indo-Pacific Region….”
From then on, this lying assessment functioned as the “correct information”—the cover for the instigation and continuation of conflicts, up to the present state of world emergency. Global NATO nations continue to use Ukraine against Russia, and provoke China over Taiwan, and other imperial actions.The Trans-Atlantic economies are in breakdown because of this insanity.
At the same time, the Global NATO networks have moved to silence nations and voices seeking peace and development as the alternative to economic breakdown and conflict. Nations exercising their sovereignty this way are accused of spreading “disinformation” and opposing “democracy” as defined and decreed by Global NATO.
The stage has been reached, of attempted enforcement by blacklist. The Ukraine government, funded and backed by the U.S., U.K., and NATO, is the venue for an international blacklist operation, beginning in 2021, for fingering those individuals and groups who oppose the Global NATO narratives. The agency is the Center for Countering Disinformation.
An additional Kiev-based operation, Myrotvorets (“Peacemaker”), is the black-ops counterpart, which came into existence in 2014. Every attempted investigation or shutdown of the “Peacemaker” has failed, including by the UN, the European Parliament and the German government, because of the Global NATO factor.
But this cannot continue. We’ve entered the phase of the potential demise of Global NATO, given its blatant fascism, and the opposition gathering force worldwide. The urgency to act on this comes from the danger of the threat of nuclear annihilation. But many nations are exerting independence of action, and the spirit of the historic Non-Aligned Movement is gathering strength.
The Schiller Institute’s “Call for an Ad Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System” was just posted in Russia on the National Committee on BRICS Research website, with a link to the Schiller page with VIP list and sign-up. Also posted is the Oct. 25-26 conference page, titled, “BRICS Scientific, Technological and Innovative Cooperation.”
On Sept. 10-11, the Schiller Institute and collaborators will directly address today’s emergency at the international conference, “How to Inspire Humanity to Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History.” After the first panel, with the same title as the conference, the second panel is, “Defend the Right To Deliberate! Speak Out Against Blacklists and the Suppression of the Search for Truth.”
Conference Day Two begins in Panel 3 with a focus on the essential contributions of economist-statesman Lyndon LaRouche, “Presenting the ‘LaRouche Library’: LaRouche in Dialogue with the World’s Nations”; and Panel 4, the last panel on, “The Art of Optimism: Using the Classical Principle To Change the World.”
LaRouche’s method and ideas are now essential armament, as people are literally in the streets to stop the Global NATO madness and destruction. In Dessau, Germany this morning, a mass rally took place with people from all walks of life—businesses, trade unions, elected officials, young and old. Their demands ranged from ending sanctions, and resuming energy imports from Russia, to calling for negotiations in Ukraine. One big placard read, “Down with Green Diktats.” A “Dessau Declaration” was issued a few weeks ago.
On Aug. 31, farmers in Germany plan to stage protest actions in six cities—Potsdam, Wuerzburg, Dresden, Stuttgart, Mainz, Magdeburg. They are on the frontlines defending the necessity to produce food. Seven statements of support from the Americas were issued. A new Schiller Institute video was posted today, featuring a firsthand report on the German farm crisis from demonstration-leader and farm leader Alf Schmidt. The 15-minute video is, “Tractors Roll, Farmers Lead Fight Against Monopoly Shutdown of Food: Join Them on the Front Lines!”
Truth will not be silenced.