LaRouche's Successful Forecasting Provides the Method for Solutions to the Deepening Crisis
As the present confluence of crises, which is pushing humanity toward an unprecedented danger of the annihilation of human civilization, accelerates, it is remarkable to see how Lyndon LaRouche was uniquely prescient in his economic and strategic forecasts -- both of the direction the collapse is taking, and who bears responsibility for it. It is also especially noteworthy that the method he developed for forecasting also enabled him to simultaneously identify solutions to the crises.
This did not escape those responsible for pushing the Malthusian, geopolitical policies accelerating the crises, as they deployed corrupt networks in the U.S. Justice department, intelligence agencies and media in a "Get LaRouche" task force. We see that again, in the London-U.S.-NATO deployment of Ukraine's "counter-disinformation" operatives to include LaRouche movement leaders and collaborators on a hit list. But what is of special note now is that there is growing recognition among those opposing the consolidation of the world order of LaRouche's opponents that LaRouche's programmatic solutions are the best alternative to the evils unleashed by the neoliberal/neoconservative doctrines which are behind the ongoing systemic collapse.
Today's Manhattan Project will provide a preview of LaRouche's work, which will be the subject of the September 10-11 online Schiller Institute conference "Inspiring Humanity to Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History".
Join guest Harley Schlanger today at 2pm EDT, 11am PT to discuss!