April 27—There was a time when Germany’s principled stand, to not ever be a party to the promulgation of war, expressed itself, in part, as a commitment to abstain from the weapons trade—especially in heavy offensive weapons, especially where conflict threatens or reigns. The relatively new German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz upheld that principled position, against the frenzy of war fever gripping the West—that is, until Tuesday, April 26, and Ramstein. That Scholz cracked and submitted is not so much a “German” problem, as it is a harbinger of worse to come. One can hear the crack of the creaky clock as it moves that ominous step towards the midnight of thermonuclear confrontation. Where does one turn to find something solid, something positive, something human in cultural values to pull civilization out of a vortex of blind hypocrisy and self-hatred?
Miracles are needed—and they don’t come cheap. If the price involves taking into one’s heart some of the horrors of this world, losing some sleep in the process, and wrestling with the ugly problem until the higher coincidence of opposites can be grasped and put into play, then so be it. It is more fun than the alternative.
Consider the deep frictions between China and India over the years. The British certainly do. What if India is provoked to some soul-searching in watching their brother Russia being made an example of; and it prompts them to take a second look at Russia’s view of China? Of the February 4th Joint Statement of Putin and Xi? Consider: India’s The Citizen looks at a starving world, looks at India’s moral opportunity to transform agriculture worldwide, and poses, “For India and its present rulers, it should be a welcome opportunity to restore India’s traditional role of prominence among the nations of the South. It will be a win-win situation for Russia, China and India.” Did you hear India stealing China’s thunder with that “win-win” formulation? Is it possible they’ll sit down together one day, and laugh over how those monocled Brits played them against each other?
The stirrings in India, in Argentina, in Central Asia, etc., however can’t be counted upon to come to full flower unless the relentless, evil-defying method and approach of Lyndon LaRouche, Jr., and the movement that he brought to life, sounds a clear trumpet call. How else could those well-intentioned souls, prompted into action by their unwillingness to let evil triumph, draw the sustained courage and determination to crush empire once and for all? To exploit every last ugly foible, weakness, and stupidity of imperial hubris and overreach, to crush empire once and for all?
Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s interview on ChinaPlus Radio’s “World Today” and “Produce Food To Fight Famine, Not Weapons To Prolong War!” await your eager hands.